Collaboration allows us to send and receive information between sites to work remotely on a common topic. When it comes to Collaborating with Audio and Video signals , Grupo Covix offers the best solutions on the market. In a Collaboration solution, a group of operators can be viewing an emergency situation on a Video wall while another work group can be receiving the same images in real time within a Boardroom to make the relevant decisions. Both sites may or may not be adjacent, thanks to the fact that the communication has been digitalized and travels through an IP network.
Audio and video signals are encoded to enter a TCP/IP network and travel to the remote site, which may be in another room, another building, or another city. In addition to encoding, it is possible to encrypt the signals when information security is desired.
This replaces the traditional analog switching model that requires large switchers and countless cables, distributors, amplifiers and interfaces that, in addition to being expensive, introduce many points of failure in the installation. A Collaboration system will encode a source signal and decode it where it is required to be displayed, without having to go through so many devices that are difficult to manage and maintain.

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